While cutting support if not downright starving needy men, women and children is bad enough, there is troubling evidence that those who voted for the cuts are themselves receiving farm subsidies from the same bill. More for me, less for you, or to paraphrase the bible, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, even though $1 spent on food stamps generates $1.80 in the economy.
Even WORSE, much of the savings will be passed onto the Department of Defense (note: this is a great link to learn more about the effects of cuts to SNAP)! In a world where two seconds can mean a difference of millions of dollars and the US has the worst inequality of developed nations, the situation keeps getting worse for the least of these.
Where have our values gone? Who will stand up and do something??
Check to see how your congressperson voted, and then contact them to say, "Keep up the good fight!" or "SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!!" You can also sign this petition.
Shame! from Marc Malonzo on Vimeo.
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."