| Here is some spoken-word poetry I wrote after being inspired by a passage in Steven Pressfield's The War of Art, and excellent kick-in-the-butt manifesto for creatives. He encourages artists to invoke a muse before beginning their creative endeavor. Listen here: |
The Greeks
full of aspiration
had a source
for inspiration
a course
for perspiration
They called it the muses
and made no excuses
seeking a vocation
they made invocation
invoking the gods
provoking the odds
with a shout
they cried out:
O Muse
My Muse
Be my fuse.
Light my fire
My true desire
lest I tire
in the mire
of stuck and slow
and luck run low.
I have no clue
yet just a few...
among my...
O muse
my fuse
give me some clues
lest I return to the booze
My muse
my fuse
to lose
Invest in me
lest I divest
from thee
now’s not the time
to nickel and dime
or count
the mount
-ing cost
for I am lost
O muse
my fuse
give me some clues
'fore I put on my shoes
O muse
my fuse
to lose
You pursue the meek --
Now rescue those you seek!
find me
in the mi(d)st
of the wilderness
find me
in the bliss
of a kiss
find me
at all cost
find me
for with you
my muse
I cannot