Kiva allows you to easily make loans in increments of $25 to low-income people around the world. You get to read their profiles, look at their picture and hear about how their business is going. It's the gift that keeps on giving, as we've now used our original gift of about $2,000 to re-lend a total of over $15,000 for a total of 157 loans since we were married over 5 years ago! Get started today for FREE with your own loan of $25 (donated by an anonymous giver).
I highly recommend getting involved yourself. You have the opportunity to make a real change in someone's life, and then to re-lend the money or cash out once the money is paid back. Kiva runs on donations, so they will ask you to donate money for expenses, but it's entirely optional.
Here is a video of how some microloans are being creatively used in Uganda. (I lived and worked in East Africa for a year; click here to read more and see pictures on my blog.)